Tideways joins the Open Source Pledge

Tideways is joining the Open Source Pledge because we want to make a public commitment on our various open source contributions. Not only do we rely on open source software in our product Tideways, we are also building our business on top of the open source language PHP and its continued success. 

The mission of the recently started Open Source Pledge initiative is to establish a new social norm in the tech industry of companies paying Open Source maintainers.

As a company that is deeply rooted in the PHP community and with team members who have made significant contributions to the PHP language itself, as well as to various open source libraries, open source projects are dear to our hearts. Without them, Tideways would not be able to function the way it does, and we wouldn’t be able to optimize website performance for our customers the way we do. Therefore, it is a given for us to provide support to the community in any manner possible, whether it be through time or financial contributions. Last year we donated a total of $ 24.182 to different open-source projects, and we will continue to spend above the pledges requirement of $2.000 per full-time developer on open source projects and maintainers every year from now on.

In 2023, we have sponsored the following open source projects: We are a founding member of the PHP Foundation and have been sponsoring it for quite some time now. We are also sponsoring the development of PHPUnit because we want to support its long-term maintenance, as it’s a crucial component of our toolkit at Tideways. As a business sponsor, we are providing support for the advancement of Xdebug. In 2023 Tideways was also a premium sponsor of bref, a serverless runtime for PHP on AWS Lambda.

ProjectDollar Amount
PHP Foundation$15.000

Do you rely on open source software? You most likely do! Ask your company to also join the pledge. And if you work with PHP, you should really start sponsoring the PHP Foundation!

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Let’s dive in and find out what is causing performance bottlenecks! Without Tideways, you’re likely to fish in murky waters attempting to figure it out. Try our free trial today and be enlightened.

Benjamin Benjamin 01.10.2024