Predictable and upfront pricing that fits into every budget

Pay monthly / Pay annually Euro / USD

  • Basic
  • 99 € / month
    • All Features
    • Tracking of 2 services included
    • 250 transactions with full visibility
    • 5 days of data retention
    • Up to 10 traces per minute
    • 6 weeks of history
    • Basic integrations
    • 1 Team with Unlimited Users
    • SSO with GitHub
  • Start Trial
  • Standard
  • 199 € / month
    • All Features
    • Tracking of 2 services included
    • 500 transactions with full visibility.
    • 14 days of data retention
    • Up to 20 traces per minute
    • 15 months of history
    • Basic & Advanced integrations
    • 1 Team with Unlimited Users
    • SSO with GitHub
    • Payment via Wire Transfer, Offer Letters and P/O numbers on invoices
  • Start Trial

You can add new projects or upgrade the limits of existing projects for all plans at incremental steps of 50 € / month or add teams at incremental steps of 25 € / month

The priority check-in for your take-off with Tideways! 

We’re offering an exclusive Concierge Onboarding Service, including tricks and tips by an expert to personalize your Tideways experience.

The price for our Concierge Onboarding Service is 249€ / $249.

  • Requirements analysis and recommendations for configuration and instrumentation of your application in Tideways
  • A Workshop (60 minutes over Zoom) covering Tideways features with your own account data.
  • A performance analysis session pointing to a bottleneck in your code as part of the workshop or as a recorded video from us.
  • Help set up integrations and alerting rules for your projects.

Unsure which Plan to pick?

Start a free trial, and we will suggest the most affordable option that provides you with full monitoring coverage and performance insights after receiving real-world data from your application.

  2. Application Performance Monitoring
  3. Tagged Transaction Monitoring
  4. Performance Budget for Transactions
  5. Tracing and Callgraph Profiler
  6. Distributed Profiling
  7. Custom Variables
  8. Custom Spans
  9. Exception and Fatal Error Tracking
  10. Automatic Instrumentation
  11. Unlimited PHP Requests
  12. Unlimited Users
  13. Team Management
    1 team
    1 team
    5 teams
  14. Host Limit (Without Proxy)
  15. Unlimited Hosts with Proxy
  16. Email Support directly from our Engineers
  17. Single Sign-On
    Github, Azure ActiveDirectory
  18. Payments and Invoicing
    Self-Service with Credit Card or SEPA
    Self-Service, Payment via Wire Transfer in yearly plans, Offer Letters and P/O numbers on invoices
    Self-Service, Payment via Wire Transfer in yearly plans, Offer Letters and P/O numbers on invoices
  19. Custom Terms and Other Documents
  2. Services or Projects
  3. Transactions with Full Visibility
  4. Transactions with Limited Visibility
  5. Environments
  6. Traces/Minute
  7. Data Retention
    5 days
    14 days
    30 days
  8. Host Limit (Without Proxy)
  9. API Rate Limit (Requests/Hour)


What is a transaction?

A transaction is a name for a piece of code performing a specific task in an application. Based on the framework you use, they are called page type, controller, action, endpoint, command or script.

For Transactions with full visibility Tideways collects minute-by-minute monitoring data including downstream layers, traces at higher priority and every occurrence of exceptions and errors including stacktraces.

For all other Transactions with limited visibility, Tideways collects only limited monitoring data, fewer traces and only the last occurrence of an exception or error.

After exceeding the total limit of transactions (both full and limited) in a project, other transactions are marked as ignored and their data is discarded. A limit upgrade is recommended for the project to avoid under-reporting.

What is a service in Tideways?

With a service you can track a complete application or a small part of an application. You can organize services and applications that belong together into a project, or create multiple projects each with different services.

Usually you use services to represent individual applications or modules in a larger set of dependent applications or a monolithic application.

Different projects should be used when there is little dependencies or interaction between the applications, for example a WordPress landingpage for a Symfony or Laravel based SaaS could be represented as two projects.

What is a profiling space?

In addition to regular projects, you can use profiling spaces to collect Timeline and Callgraph Profiling data.

This is useful for irregular profiling activity on developer machines or for applications that are not under regular performance scrutiny.

What is data retention and how does it work?

Monitoring systems collect a vast amount of data and this has a huge effect on processing and storage costs. To be able to provide an affordable product to you, we have to limit the duration that we store monitoring and tracing data. Data that is older than the retention of your project is automatically purged. We aggregate high-level monitoring data into a historical view to allow comparison with old versions of your project in the past. The larger your license is, the longer we store historic data.

What happens when I reach the soft host limit for my plan?

There are soft server limits for our monitoring plans and Tideways automatically starts throttling all hosts in exceeding of this limit by collecting no traces and no endpoint details from them.

If you install the tideways proxy in your datacenter/infrastructure, then you can route all monitoring and trace traffic through the proxy, where it gets pre-aggregated and the host limits don’t apply anymore.

Running a proxy in your datacenter/infrastructure is free, no additional costs apply. We have customers connecting several hundred servers to Tideways using the proxy.

What are basic and advanced integrations?

Basic integrations include E-Mail, Slack, Microsoft Teams for notifications. Advanced integrations include PagerDuty, OpsGenie, Splunk On-Call and Webhooks.

What Training Opportunities do you offer?

As part of the Pro plan you have access to a free onboarding workshop of 75-90 minutes and every quarter from then you can book a 45 minute training or consulting session where we optimize your use of Tideways and look to identify bottlenecks.

Do you offer long-term, fixed scope contracts as well?

Yes, all contracts can also be subscribed to on a yearly basis. If you choose yearly payment, you get the 12th month free.

Which payment intervals are available?

Your benefit of an annual subscription: With a yearly payment scheme, you get the 12th month free.

What payment methods do you accept?

For both monthly and yearly contracts we accept credit-cards and SEPA Direct Debit payments.

If your company is located in the European Union, we can also accept payment by wire transfer for yearly contracts.

What currencies do you accept?

We accept Euros and United States Dollars. You can pay with euros from every country, US Dollars is only available to companies from non Euro-countries.

Are prices including or excluding VAT?

All prices are excluding VAT. We are based in Germany, which means that you have to pay extra VAT if you are based in Europe. Our payment provider handles the European reverse charge VAT process. If we cannot validate your VAT number we might charge you based on the European Digital Goods VAT regulations. Please be aware that for regulatory reasons we require a valid EU VAT number if you order from a European country.

International customers (Non-European-Union) do not have to pay VAT/sales tax.

Do you have special offers for non-profit organizations?

Yes, we can offer you considerable discounts if you are a registered non-profit organization (NGO) or education institution in the US or Europe and match our criteria. Please get in contact for more information.

How is my data secured and protected?

All data is sent to our servers using SSL encryption. We follow a “safe by default” policy and only transmit data that cannot contain personal data of your website users. Activating features which send additional data always explain potential risks.

On top of that you are in full control which additional data you want to send yourself.

We follow the European Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) and our privacy policy includes all third party processors we work with and what data they process for what reason. In addition we sign data processing agreements (DPA) (German: Auftragsdatenverarbeitungsvertrag) with you if necessary.

Where do you store my data?

We are hosting Tideways in SysEleven’s data-centers located in Berlin, Germany and store all your account, monitoring and profiling data there.

Do you offer training and consulting to help improve our applications performance?

We are putting a lot of work into building Tideways so that it can be used with little training or consulting necessary by us. There are the documentation and the academy video courses to get you started.

When you subscribe to the Pro plan, then you are eligible for a 75-90 minute onboarding workshop on your own account and code-base and for a quarterly session of 45 minutes to review optimal use of your account, train on new features or discuss a performance problem of your choice.

For consulting work on performance problems by one of our performance experts the price is 189€ / $199 for 30 minutes screen time and includes an e-mail to wrap up open questions and point to discussed topics in the documentation. Training and consulting sessions can be recorded and shared with you. Please get in contact with [email protected] for details.