Release of Tideways Daemon 1.6.28

  • Bugfix: Calculation of autoloading layer is now not including file i/o and compile time anymore, tracking them seperately. Requires PHP Extension 5.3.6 for the full fix
  • New Feature: Add new flag –log-disable-heartbeats that does not display the 60 seconds heartbeat/status message to the logfile. This is primarily interesting for systems such as Heroku where all logs are aggregated in a single application stream.
  • Improvement: If the error code context feature is enabled, now contents of comments are also filtered out completly, next to content from variables which was already filtered out.
  • New Feature (Beta): HTTP/External call Monitoring
  • New Feature (Beta): Generate Observations based on configuration and metrics
  • New Feature (Beta): Add flag --retry-on-network-failure to retry http calls failed due to network problems. Disabled by default during the beta test.


  • Daemon

