PHP Extension v4.0.5 Release
We have released a new version of the PHP extension (v4.0.5) which includes the following new features:
cURL Multi Instrumentation by hooking into
. This automatically means we are now instrumenting all versions of Guzzle HTTP Client, which is making heavy use of the cURL multi API. -
Elasticsearch PHP Instrumentation with information about queried index and type. The actual search query is not yet tracked, but we are working on this for one of the next versions.
Instrumentation for the new MongoDB extension, in addition to the already existing support for the legacy Mongo extension.
Instrumenting PDO connections, which allows to see the number of database connections and which databases the request is connected to.
Instrumentation for APC(u) userland cache APIs
Improved Laravel support by instrumenting Eloquent ORM models and queries.
Yii and Yii2 support with transaction name detection, event listener and and view engine instrumentation.
CakePHP 2 and 3 support with transaction name detection, event listener and view engine instrumentation.
Phalcon event listener and view instrumentation, but no transaction name detection.
Added logging feature that allows to debug problems or errors when using Tideways with new
INI flag that uses the users configurederror_log
to collect information on tideways. Defaults to absolutely no logging by default.