PHP Extension 5.4.34 released

  • New Feature: Keep Exception Code as part of error instrumentation for rendering in UI in a future version (requires future daemon update).
  • Improvement: Allow to disable use of observer API on PHP 8.0 and 8.1 to avoid attribute constructor crash.

Several previous releases have tried to workaround a PHP bug that has no fix in a current stable PHP release yet. However there are still scenarios when these workarounds are not possible, specifically we have seen this with Symfony Route and Constraint Validation attributes. In these cases we have now added the possibility to disable the Zend Observer API that causes the crash in combination with PHP 8+ Attributes. This will make the instrumentation slightly slower, using the same instrumentation approach that Tideways uses for PHP 7. To disable using the observer API, set the following INI setting:


  • PHP Extension

