Project License details and Unproxied Hosts Soft-Limit Increase

There is now a new “License” settings screen for each project, detailing the current and maximum number of services, environments, hosts and transactions.

With this screen we are now including unproxied hosts in our automatic check of exceeded limits. The soft limit was enforced before but users were not explicitly notified about exceeding it unless they checked the servers page themselves. We now link to a documentation page explaining the host soft-limit, what it entails and how to circumvent it when using the tideways-proxy.

Lastly, we have significantly increased the unproxied host limit across most plans and licenses between 50-100%. This is possible because of an optimization in the backend of Tideways that now pre-aggregates monitoring data (without data-loss) before its stored in the time-series database.


  • User Interface

