Introducing Teams and Synchronization of Members from Github

We are introducing “Teams” today, a new feature to improve access controls for your Tideways organization, after several weeks of testing with selected customers.

With Teams you can grant more fine-grained access to your applications, based on team membership of your users. Additionally this feature allows you to automatically synchronize teams and member accounts from your existing Github organizations and save a lot of work on user maintenance.

Until now Tideways had a very simple access control system that allowed admins to invite as many members as they want into their organizations and those members are able to see all applications. For big organizations this is usually not good enough and the manual invitation process is very time consuming and requires care when persons leave the organization.

The team feature is available for organizations with Medium plans (20M+). For our Tideways On-Premise solution, this feature will allow you to synchronize teams from LDAP. The Teams feature is entirely optional and you can still use the simple ACL model from before if you don’t need this much control.

Please see the documentation for more information about how to use it.

Benjamin Benjamin 25.04.2016