Tideways 2023.1 Release
In the 4 months since the last release (2022.4), we have been working on a number of new features and improvements that we are pleased to share with you today as part of our 2023.1 release of Tideways.
In addition to the new features, we also revamped our pricing and plans at the end of March under the umbrella of “Tideways 6”. The main difference is that all plans now include all features and are now limited by transactions as the primary metric.
- Monitoring for tagged transactions
- Performance Budgeting with Response Time Targets
- Profiling Spaces
- Trace sharing
- Performance improvements for multi-host projects
- Variable Timeframe in Error Count Chart
Monitoring for tagged transactions
In 2022.3 we added support for cached and uncached tags assigned to traces. As part of the Tideways 6 release, we are extending this feature to monitor tagged transactions individually. You can view the minute-by-minute performance of the transaction as a whole and broken down by any tags assigned.

In addition to the “cached” and “uncached” tags set automatically for Shopware 6 projects or via the markPageCacheHit/markPageCacheMiss APIs, the PHP extension now includes a new Profiler::setTags() function for setting up to 3 tags per request.
More Information:
- Documentation: Performance Segmented by Tags
- Documentation: Tideways\Profiler::setTags()
Performance Budgeting with Response Time Targets
In preparation for supporting performance budgeting, we renamed “Errors” to “Failures” in the previous release. With the addition of Response Time Targets, Tideways can now mark requests as failed if they take longer than a configured response time in milliseconds.
This configuration is available at the service level and, with the new Tideways 6 plans, at the transaction level.

Combined with the existing failure rate notifications, this enables fine-grained performance budgeting and alerting.
More Information:
- Documentation: Configure Response Time Targets
Profiling Spaces
One of the missing pieces in Tideways’ organization, project, and pricing is a space where you can collect profiling data for any PHP script you want to test around, analyze open source code you depend on, or small projects that are not monitored.
With the new Tideways 6 plans, we are introducing Profiling Spaces as a secondary mechanism for grouping profiling data besides projects.
In a Profiling Space, you can only trigger traces via Chrome Extension, CLI or Magic Query parameters.
A limit of profiles per day depending on the selected plan is the main restriction in the use of profiling spaces.
More Information:
- Documentation: Profiling Spaces
Trace sharing
You can now share traces with people outside your organization. Each trace has a Share Trace button that initiates the process. You configure the duration of the sharing and a unique link is generated that requires no authentication to view.

For existing organizations, only administrators can share a trace at this time. You can change which users are allowed to share in the organization’s user settings.
For new organizations created after this release, all users can share traces by default.
More information:
- Documentation: Trace Sharing
Performance improvements for multi-host projects
For projects with a large number of hosts, starting with 5 or more, we have added an additional aggregation step for the monitoring data, which significantly improves the performance of the UI for the service and transaction monitoring screens. When looking at a 24-hour time frame of the project this often shaves several seconds off the response time.
Variable Timeframe in Error Count Chart
In addition to showing hourly error counts for the last 3 days, the Error Details screen now has the option to show minute-by-minute data for the last 2 hours, or longer time frames of 5, 14, or 30 days (depending on the retention days of the project license).