Daemon v1.7.18 Release

  • New Feature: cURL Timer support (requires PHP Extension 5.4.18)
  • New Feature: Introduced flag –verbosity=(level) to allow more logging levels, –debug is now level 3, –dev is level 4
  • New Feature: Add canonical log lines for incoming data sent from PHP extension at vebosity level 1 (only slow above 2 seconds) and level 2 (all incoming requests).
  • Improvement: Upgrade errors from lowest verbosity level of new canonical log lines feature to level 2
  • Improvement: performance optimization to reduce CPU and memory overhead of data serialization
  • Improvement: Replace cpu/memprofie with new flag –enable-profiler that optionally starts daemon with pprof via HTTP on localhost:4000
  • Improvement: Enable retry mechanism after network failures by default (50 MB buffer, maximum of 5 retries every 60 seconds)
  • Bugfix: Fix crash when proxy is merging multiple histograms from different sources
  • Bugfix: In HTTP Spans do not consider a missing status code as an error
  • Bugfix: Daemon could crash during edge case when load average of machine could not be retrieved, observed only when disks where full.
  • Bugfix: Combinations of some old PHP extensions and new daemons could lead to a crash of the daemon due to wrong data structure expectation.


