Release of Daemon v1.5.48, PHP Extension v5.0.28, CLI v0.3.4

We have released new versions of all our packages with the following changes:

  • Feature: You can now add tideways.collect=full again in your PHP.ini to always collect callgraph trace data when the sampling rate decides for profiling and not just monitoring a request.

  • Improvement: Additional Doctrine Exceptions are now sanitized more aggressively.

  • Improvement: Elasticsearch-PHP instrumentation was improved to be logged as a single exit span combining both the Elasticsearch and the HTTP annotations.

  • Bugfix: When a request in monitoring mode has an error, then the resulting error trace send to Tideways did not contain http.url annotation and would make it more difficult to debug.

  • Bugfix: Rendering bugs in tideways list and tideways cli commands were fixed.

  • Bugfix: Sampling in CLI did not always work correctly based on the configured settings.

You can find the packages in Debian, RPM repositories and on the downloads page.


