Tideways 2023.2 Release
Since our last release announcement in April we have been working on a number of new features for Tideways that we are now happy to share with you. This is the second and final release for 2023.
From here the team will be looking ahead to 2024, the 10th anniversary of Tideways’ launch, and preparing some amazing new features and improvements.
- PHP 8.3 Support
- #[WithSpan] Attribute
- Redis Instrumentation Improvements
- Automatic Service Detection for Shopware 5, 6 and Magento 2
- Report PHP Notices & Warnings
- Related Errors for Failure Rate Incidents
- Support for Previous Exceptions
- Transaction Failure Rates Beta
- Trends of SQL, HTTP and other layers in History
- Slack App
PHP 8.3 Support
PHP 8.3 will be released next week, on November 23rd 2023 and Tideways supports it from the start with PHP Extension release 5.6.4.
#[WithSpan] Attribute for Custom Instrumentation
Starting with Tideways PHP Extension 5.6 the attribute #[WithSpan]
from the Tideways\Profiler namespace is available to automatically create a custom span for the Timeline Profiler during Profiling.
Documentation: Custom Timespans using #[WithSpan]
Redis Key Instrumentation
When setting the new INI option „tideways.features.redis_keys=1“ in your php.ini, Tideways will now keep the key for every Redis operation and show them in the Timeline Profiler.
Automatic Service Detection for Shopware 5, 6 and Magento 2
Previously Tideways already had automatic service detection for Shopware 6, and with the extension 5.6 release this is extended to Shopware 5 and Magento 2.
With the automatic service detection, transactions for backend/API of these three e-commerce systems are assigned to a second service „api“ or „backend“, depending on the system.
The automatic service detection has lowest priority and you can always overwrite it by setting tideways.service ini, TIDEWAYS_SERVICE environment variable, call \Tideways\Profiler:.setServiceName at runtime or by simply disabling automatic service detection with „tideways.features.automatic_service_detection=0“.
Reporting of Notices and Warnings
Tideways now supports reporting of notices and warnings as part of the Error Tracking, completing support for the various types of errors that a PHP script can produce.
Support for reporting notices and warnings is disabled by default and needs to be activated by setting tideways.features.warnings=1 and/or tideways.features.notices=1.
Support for Previous Exceptions
The Tideways PHP Extension now reports all previous exceptions in addition to the exception that crashed a request. The stacktrace of the previous exceptions and their messages are shown in the UI now.
Transaction Failure Rate Alerting (Beta)
In addition to service-level failure rate alerting, Tideways now supports failure rate alerting on the transaction level. This has many different use-cases, for example:
- strict zero-error cronjob monitoring
- better identification of failing project features that would not raise the service-wide failure rate.
- individual alerting in combination with response time targets – a feature released earlier this year.

In addition related errors that could be the cause of the increased failure rate are displayed for these incidents. Service-wide failure rate notifications also include Related Errors if available.
This feature can be activated from the Beta Features organization settings before it can be used.
Trends of SQL, HTTP and other layers in History
The weekly report already included a report of the downstream layer performance of each service and a comparison to the previous week. This information is now also shown in the Trends section of the history report and allows a comparison on the day, week or granularity level across the complete retention of history data for a project.

Slack App for Tideways
You can now integrate notifications from Tideways with a Slack app – in addition to the previously available support using the legacy “Incoming Webhook” integration. This provides admins of the Slack workspace more control when integrating with Tideways.
Documentation: Configure Notifications with Slack App