An overview of all changes to all Tideways components, new features, bugfixes and improvements.
- Dynamic Instrumentation for Functions from the UI 25.06.2024
- Differential Flame Graph
- Share Trace Comparison 21.06.2024
- Email Integration Improvement 19.04.2024
- Feature Preview: Aggregated Traces 24.01.2024
- Separated SSO Synchronizations from Teams 15.08.2023
- Average and Slowest response in transaction monitoring list 24.07.2023
- Trace Sharing 26.04.2023
- Project License details and Unproxied Hosts Soft-Limit Increase 09.03.2023
- Page Cache Hit Rates 20.09.2022
- Argument capturing for preg function family in Callgraph 12.09.2022
- Notice about Important Change: Exception Tracking and Environments 29.08.2022
- Change default environment 07.07.2022
- Better controls to navigate related callgraph calls 23.06.2022
- Track errors and slow SQLs separately by environment [Beta] 22.06.2022
- Shopware 6 Data Access Layer Support in Callgraph 24.02.2022
- Sort traces by memory usage 21.02.2022
- New rendering for folded calls in callgraphs 08.02.2022
- cURL Timers in Timeline Profiler 04.08.2021
- Do not reset error occurrences for non-production releases 01.06.2021
- Performance Monitoring: HTTP-Status-Code Count 02.02.2021
- Traces: Added HTTP Host Filtering 23.10.2020
- Bugfix: Tracepoints for Transactions with Display Names 12.10.2020
- Disable TLS 1.1 on all Tideways domains 02.10.2020
- Slow SQL Query Log 11.08.2020
- New Callgraph UI is now out of Beta 07.08.2020
- Renamed Application to Project in UI