An overview of all changes to all Tideways components, new features, bugfixes and improvements.
- Daemon 1.8.36 released 27.11.2023
- PHP Extension 5.6.6 released 21.11.2023
- Daemon 1.8.34 released 17.11.2023
- PHP Extension 5.6.4 released with PHP 8.3 Support 15.11.2023
- Proxy 0.3.14 released 23.10.2023
- PHP Extension 5.5.20 21.08.2023
- Separated SSO Synchronizations from Teams 15.08.2023
- Proxy 0.3.12 released 31.07.2023
- Daemon 1.8.30 released
- Average and Slowest response in transaction monitoring list 24.07.2023
- Homebrew Support for MacOS Beta 26.05.2023
- MacOS Beta Builds for PHP Extension and Daemon 15.05.2023
- PHP Extension 5.5.18 released 11.05.2023
- Daemon 1.8.28 released
- Trace Sharing 26.04.2023
- Proxy 0.3.10 released 11.04.2023
- CLI 1.0.6 released
- Daemon 1.8.26 released
- Daemon 1.8.24 released 22.03.2023
- Project License details and Unproxied Hosts Soft-Limit Increase 09.03.2023
- Added timeframe selection to chart in error details 17.02.2023
- Heroku Webhooks Support to replace deprecated deployhooks 02.02.2023
- Proxy 0.3.8 released 01.02.2023
- PHP Extension 5.5.14 released
- Daemon 1.8.16 released
- CLI 1.0.4 released 11.01.2023
- PHP Extension 5.5.12 29.11.2022
- Daemon 1.8.14
- Support for Two-Factor Authentication 17.11.2022
- Renaming Errors to Failures in Monitoring
- Splunk OnCall (VictorOps) Integration 15.11.2022
- Chrome Web Extension 1.5.4 release 01.10.2022
- CLI 1.0.2 released 23.09.2022
- Filter traces with page cache tags 20.09.2022
- Page Cache Hit Rates
- PHP Extension 5.5.8 19.09.2022
- Argument capturing for preg function family in Callgraph 12.09.2022
- Daemon 1.8.12 07.09.2022
- Daemon 1.8.10 released 05.09.2022
- Notice about Important Change: Exception Tracking and Environments 29.08.2022
- Daemon 1.8.8 released 23.08.2022
- CLI 1.0.0 released 22.08.2022
- PHP Extension 5.5.6 released 04.08.2022
- Resolve All Errors 18.07.2022
- Change default environment 07.07.2022
- Better controls to navigate related callgraph calls 23.06.2022
- Track errors and slow SQLs separately by environment [Beta] 22.06.2022
- PHP Extension 5.5.2 03.06.2022
- Daemon 1.7.28 04.05.2022
- Daemon 1.7.26 released 29.03.2022